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Epiphany’s high touch programs are full of integrity, heart and wisdom. She brings over 25 years of experience helping her clients heal their trauma and get through tough times, leading them to the clarity, confidence, and happiness they desire.

We are deeply invested in our clients’ success and work very closely with them throughout their program.  We walk each client out of the pain and hurt they are experiencing, into a new beginning where they often feel much better than before the infidelity happened.

Due to the high demand of Epiphany’s signature work and given the depth and commitment we have for each client in our programs, we can only accept those who are great fit.

The qualifications to participate in one of Epiphany’s Signature programs are:

  • Openness to receive high level coaching and feedback
  • Courage to dive into the uncomfortable
  • Commitment to your healing journey
  • Ability to invest in yourself and your healing
  • Willingness to reflect upon yourself and your relationships
  • Desire to create clarity, confidence and happiness in your life

If we feel you're a great fit, you'll receive an invitation to work with Epiphany in the program she feels is best for you.

Imagine feeling truly supported as you're guided on a journey to genuine healing.

Imagine knowing you have someone who truly understands, taking you step by step through a powerful and proven system that will give you results that will last a lifetime.

Imagine regaining your confidence and feeling stronger than ever.



Thank you for sharing your heart and yourself with us.

Looking forward to meeting you,

 If you can't find a time that works for you, please email us at or call us at 510-575-9246 and we will give you a call back to work something out!
Epiphany Kaye
Love & Trauma Expert

Epiphany is the founder of the Trauma Repatterning™ Method, the Healing Blueprint™, and the Love Liberation coaching programs. Her mission is to help people thrive personally and professionally thereby enriching their lives while empowering the lives of all those around them.

For over 25 years, Epiphany has helped thousands of people through life’s most difficult times. She’s mentored people recovering from trauma, empowered men and women’s confidence and self-care, saved countless marriages, brought couples closer through deeper intimacy and connection, helped couples to peacefully part ways, and most importantly has guided people to become their best selves.

After healing from multiple traumatic events in her own life that include a recovery from an 80 mph car accident, being cheated on in her own marriage, and the loss of her first soul mate when she was a young woman, she’s found joy and peace.

And having overcome these life challenges, Epiphany is inspired to use her experience and expertise to help as many people as she can to transform crisis into catalyst.

Epiphany has developed a powerful method that blends ancient wisdom with modern technologies to unlock human potential. Her signature approach joins the mind and heart to help clients gain the clarity, courage, and compassion needed to achieve lasting growth.When Epiphany is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family in the redwoods of Northern California.
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